Chiropractic Services

Chiropractic Services

There are two types of chiropractors and they practice quite differently. The choice of a chiropractor should be based on the philosophy of health and healing as well as personal goals.



Dr Wilkinson has been practicing chiropractic for over 15 years. He enjoys a well-rounded approach to patient care after having practiced multiple disciplines with the Chiropractic profession. Employing specific Chiropractic adjusting along with powerful soft tissue treatment, Dr Wilkinson has great success in treating a host of pains and injuries for patients of all ages. 


Dr Wilkinson is a husband and father of four children as well. He has many interests including playing several instruments, singing, leading worship at church, weightlifting, hunting and fishing. All of these things make him excellent at connecting with patients and understanding their unique needs.

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Initial Evaluation

The first visit entails a more detailed approach which helps understand your needs better.

 ** Price is $150

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Follow Up

After your first visit, if you require no active care, this would be your appointment choice. **Price is $60

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Follow Up + Active Care

After your initial visit, if you require adjustments and active care, this would be your appointment choice. **Price is $100

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The Two Types Of Chiropractors

Musculoskeletal Chiropractors

Musculoskeletal Chiropractors mostly focus on relieving symptoms, most commonly neck pain, back pain, and headaches, the typical “my back hurts , I need a chiropractor .” The length of the care plan and frequency of adjustments is usually dictated by your symptoms and by what your insurance will pay. Insurance usually pays for symptom relief only. This kind of care plan satisfies insurance companies but usually does not correct the underlying structural problem which caused the pain. You may feel better temporarily, but if the spine stays structurally misaligned, it will continue to degenerate silently. This results in damage to the spinal joints. As these joints degenerate, the nerves exiting the spine are irritated, affecting the organs, glands, and cells supplied by those nerves. And the symptom returns, usually worse.

So what’s the harm in simply treating symptoms? This is the standard approach taken by many medical professionals and some chiropractors. The answer is simple, it does not address the cause and leaves your condition unresolved, likely to worsen. If you went to your dentist for a routine visit and she told you that you had a small cavity and her recommendations were periodic injections of local anesthetic for the inevitable episodes of pain you will experience, you would think that was absurd. You would want to correct the small problem before it became a big problem leading to major dental work. This applies to the spine as well.



Wellness chiropractors practice the philosophy of correcting subluxation that the body is able to do what it does best: heal itself. Correcting subluxations allows the body to constantly rebuild, regenerate, and repair every cell, gland, and tissue in your body, as it was designed. Wellness chiropractors strive to relieve symptoms, but the primary focus is on removing nerve interference by aligning the spine with specific, controlled adjustments. When the nervous system is working at full potential, all things are possible. Incredible healing can take place. The time it takes to correct subluxations is determined by the severity of your subluxations and degeneration. And many of our patients choose ongoing, regular care beyond the absence of symptoms. It’s really common sense. A healthy body comes from eating healthy food, exercise, plenty of good water, and a properly functioning nervous system. Why would you stop doing those things when you achieve the level of health you want?

Research shows that people under regular chiropractic care have a better quality of life in almost every area.

I know this from personal experience. I doubt that I would be here today if it weren’t for the regular chiropractic care I have received over the past 36 years. If you couldn’t tell at first, you have probably now guessed that I am a wellness chiropractor. I must confess that I started out as a musculoskeletal chiropractor. But after several years in practice, several things became clear to me. One was that the people that stayed around for regular adjustments over time had far better health outcomes. The second thing I noticed was that when people received only symptom-based care, their spines degenerated at an accelerated rate. When that became obvious, I decided that I had to dedicate myself to advanced spinal correction, to really make a difference in the total health of each person I came in contact with. My commitment is to always make recommendations for your optimal health and deliver state of the art, loving chiropractic care exactly as I would to my mother, father, sister, brother, or child. Of course, YOU ultimately decide what you want for yourself. We are here to serve.


Patients often come into the office complaining of new pain or an exacerbation of an old injury and wonder why. They can’t think of any recent traumas, so why are they hurting? It’s easy to recognize how a fall, car accident, heavy lifting or sporting activity can cause an injury, but sometimes it’s not so obvious. Our brains are hard-wired to find an explanation. We want to know why and how to avoid pain and suffering.

But it is not usually explained by any 1 thing we just did. It usually occurs due to cumulative stresses, over time. And just like the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back, it seems to come on suddenly. We would rather believe that if we just don’t bend down to pet the dog, or pick up the paper, or lift a suitcase, we will be ok. But we did these daily activities hundreds of times before without a problem, until this time – the final straw.

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  • Traumas, injuries, and impacts
  • Mental and/or emotional stress
  • Toxic overload


Subluxations are silent about 2/3 of the time. They become painful with the addition of that final stressor (the last straw). It might be mental or emotional. A recent example is a patient who could not figure out why her spine was so flared up. After all, nothing had happened; except she had been driving a lot and experiencing tremendous grief over losing someone very dear to her. The body-mind connection is very real and can not be discounted.

This overload is very much like what happens to the electrical system at your house. If you plug in too many appliances on the circuit, you blow a breaker and then there is no power to 1 area of your house. We need to flip the switch at the breaker box to restore power. This is like the adjustment which restores power to all the different parts of the body through the nervous system.

When we are under physical, mental, or toxic stress, the sympathetic nerves are stimulated. This is called the “fight or flight” response. The large muscles of the body tighten up in preparation for quick movement. The small muscles that stabilize the vertebrae of the spine are dialed down. This instability allows the vertebrae of the neck and back to subluxate (misalign) more easily.

So, the problem is sympathetic dominance. We are in ”fight or flight” mode a great amount of time in our lives today. When we are parasympathetic dominant (tend and befriend) we are able to relax and heal.

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